The bards tale missed the crone
The bards tale missed the crone

the bards tale missed the crone


Graphically, there’s the option to download standard or high-definition assets. This generally works fine, but it’s odd that the cutscenes weren’t scored as it often makes important plot moments seem flat. Aside from some musical numbers and the brief lute tunes, the game opts for ambient sound rather than music. The sound design is well done and the voice acting top notch, as the cast is composed of voice acting veterans. But these are small niggles in an otherwise surprisingly smart storyline. Furthermore, when you aren’t in control of his dialogue, the Bard’s default disposition is to be a prick, so having him respond pleasantly feels out of character. In conversations, you’re often presented with the option to be either amicable or snarky and the results aren’t so black and white as “nice equals better.” This is cool but not exactly fair as it’s impossible to guess the best choice, causing you to miss out on rewards for saying the wrong thing. In an inspired bit of narrative design, many quests require you to undo the damage you yourself caused. Being an amoral jerk, the Bard is a perfect commentary on many gaming protagonists, wandering around in pursuit of self-growth, regardless of the ramifications.

the bards tale missed the crone

Much like the gameplay, the story engages you enough to make you want to see it through. There are times the difficulty seems unbalanced as, after carelessly dispatching droves of enemies, you’re suddenly ravaged in a random encounter, but this happens rarely. You’re rewarded frequently with new abilities so progress feels palpable, driving you onward. Still, though simplistic, the game is never boring. There’s not much strategy required beyond attacking and blocking occasionally (or picking off enemies from afar with bow and arrow) and, as I leveled up, I found myself getting lazier, often not bothering to block at all. He also takes endless damage, which seems like a bug in the game, as it gives you a decidedly unfair advantage. For example, the Light Fairy illuminates darkened areas but can stun enemies too. Some allies are needed to complete specific parts. Your first lute only allows one summoned creature to accompany you at a time but obtaining better lutes ups this number. You’ll soon discover more tunes to provide you with new characters who run the gamut of abilities, such as the Crone, who periodically casts healing spells. This is accomplished by playing a magical lute. Rather, you spend mana to summon them as necessary and, when they die, you simply summon them again. Aside from your dog, you have no permanent allies. Leveling up earns two points to allocate to your stats and every other time you level you pick new abilities to learn, such as stun and charge attacks.Įspecially unique is the intertwining of summoning and party members. You can heal yourself, but MP just regenerates. You can only ever own one of each type of equipment as the best is automatically equipped with lesser gear instantly converted to its value in silver. The game’s RPG conventions are approached in unusual ways.


There will likely be times you’ll accidentally block instead of attack or a swipe won’t register but this is still one of the more intuitive and fluid control schemes I’ve experienced in an Android game. You can also swipe in four directions to issue commands to allies. Everything else from stat-checking to summoning is done by touching the appropriate icon. However, the Bard is directly controlled in and out of battle by tapping two icons on the right side of the screen, one to block and one to attack, and by thumbing an icon on the left that mimics an analog stick. It features a world map, summoning, party members, HP, MP (here called mana), and leveling. The game is an action-adventure with RPG elements. The Bard is an inconsiderate, greedy, lascivious bastard and his tale is a refreshing take on fantasy RPGs. However, this just happens to take place en route to his primary goals of riches and sex. The Bard’s Tale is an action-adventure concerning the Bard, a medieval hero less noble than most, as he embarks on a conventional quest, saving a princess and the world.

the bards tale missed the crone

Level up a jerk in your quest for coin and cleavage

The bards tale missed the crone